In the Land of the Cannibals movie

Year: 2004

Duration: 94 min.

Directed by: Bruno Mattei

Actors:  Claudio Morales, Lou Randall, Cindy Jelic Matic

Language: English

Country: Italy

Also known as: Nella terra dei cannibali, Land of Death, Cannibal Holocaust 3: Cannibal vs. Commando, Cannibal Ferox 3: Land of Death, Shokujin zoku 3: Shokujin zoku wa komando tai

Description: Another godawful made-for-TV exploitation/cannibal ripoff by Bruno Mattei. It was filmed in the Philippines at the same time as his previous atrocity, Mondo Cannibale, and has a lot of the same ‘actors.’ There are scenes from Cannibal Holocaust shamefully spliced in, which look absurd since CH was shot on film and this movie was shot on video! And its hysterical that Mattei thought we wouldn’t notice. But the weirdest aspect of this garbage is the ‘Predator’ elements it ripped off: dialogue, scenes, etc. Really, it has to be seen to be believed. There is a razor thin plot in here somewhere about somebody’s kid getting kidnapped by cannibals but really who cares?



In the Land of the Cannibals (2004)
