meat-market-3-poster Meat Market 3

Year: 2006

Duration: 80 min.

Directed by: Brian Clement

Actors: Bronwyn Lee, Mike Hordy, Chuck Depape

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: N/A

Description: I expected nothing from this, as Meat Market 1 & 2 really blew…I mean not as bad as anything Todd Sheets has consistently done, but bad enough that I was in no hurry to watch Part 3. But unlike Sheets, this Writer/Director got better and this was surprisingly good, with decent gore, decent acting, excellent lighting, and good direction. What happened in between Meat Market 2 and this one, I wonder? I don’t know but you gotta respect a director who writes his own IMDB page, adding, ‘Shaved Vagina,’ and ‘Full frontal female nudity,’ to the keyword tags section, when your movie has none of that actually in it…bravo! Recommended Highly.



 Meat Market 3 (2006)