The_Janitor_2003 The Janitor

Year: 2003

Duration: 01:32:48

Directed by: TJ Nordaker, Andy Signore

Actors: Andy Signore, Bruce Cronander, Crystal LeBard, G. Larry Butler

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: 

Description: Blood, breasts, and cleaning products rain supreme in this soon to be classic film. Filmed with entertainment in mind, this gore flick has lots of sick humor! There isn’t much justice my words can do. Just see it. This is is total B-Movie. B= best, breast, blood, bludgeoning, and bucket of cleaning solution. See it! The characters are unique and fun, the girls are hot or at least highly killable as some of the dudes scream like girls and get the plunger!

Review: Oh dear…who would have believed it…a couple of low budget filmmakers have managed to do the impossible…outdo Troma at what Troma do best!! Yes, upcoming schlock filmmakers Andy Signore and T J Nordaker with their grimy gory opus ‘The Janitor‘ have snatched the (bloody) sword from the erstwhile grue kings Troma and have made a very (dis)respectable climb to the throne of their own!

The film follows the gut chuckling bloody misadventures of uber violent brainless office janitor (sorry, custodian) Lionel as he goes about his business of killing, maiming and generally ‘cleaning up’ what he sees as the miscreants of his day-to-day dealings. The body count piles up whilst the even more witless FBI agents haplessly go round in circles blindly unaware (and incapable) of pinpointing the person behind the killings.

Fans of Troma will know exactly what to expect with ‘The Janitor‘ and assuredly they wont be disappointed. The direction is solid throughout and the cast do fine with the trashy fun dialogue they have to deliver and the blood and gore comes thick and fast throughout the movie (with even a stunning gory ‘head’ scene that outdoes the similar moment from straight shocker Haute Tension). The film also has the finest and most hilarious use of the woeful Chris De Burgh song ‘Lady in Red‘ that will make anyone laugh out loud I’m sure!



The Janitor 2003