Smooth Talk movie

Year: 1985

Duration: 01:31:39

Directed by: Joyce Chopra

Actors:  Treat Williams, Laura Dern, Mary Kay Place 

Language: English

Country: USA / UK

Also known as: Seducida, La prima volta, 


Imagine Cape Fear (Scorsese’s) if the entire movie was concerned only with Max Cady’s attempt to seduce young Danielle (“The awkwardness you feel when… you’re walkin’ down the street… and some leerin’ fool’s makin’fun of your sexuality…”).

Laura Dern is Danielle. Treat Williams is Max Cady.

And this time, Cady gets to eat the peach.

Review of Smooth Talk movie: Based on a short story by Joyce Carol Oates «Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been», this film tells the story of 15-year-old girl Connie partake of the forbidden fruit of sexual life on the outskirts of northern California. However, experiments love Connie out of control when her life appears mysterious Arnold Friend.



Smooth Talk (1985)
