Zombie-90-Extreme-Pestilence Zombie 90: Extreme Pestilence

Year: 1991

Duration: 01:14:46

Directed by: Andreas Schnaas

Actors: Matthias Kerl, Ralf Hess, Mathias Abbes

Language: English

Country: Germany

Also known as: Zombie 2001: Battle Royale, Zombie 7

Description:In the crash of a military plane, its dangerous goods – a toxic substance – has got on territory of the forest. First its effect is experienced by the local foresters and mushroom pickers, becoming hungry for human flesh zombies. From the first victims of the disease start transferred to random passers-by and passing…

Review: While viewing this film, I had a feeling as if the creators do not work on it. Either they rested somewhere, leaving only the set of the operator and several actors, or they had a damn for this movie. Either way the film came out, and the audience can see it and appreciate. Personally, I looked at it last weekend, on the Internet, and was, to put it mildly upset. Prior to this I’ve seen so many movies about zombies and undead. Some of them were interesting, some silly, some pointless. And I think that “Zombie 90: Extreme epidemic” can take care of all of the above, except the word “interesting” because it does not apply. A couple of times I broke away from the film to rest permanently timed time and waited for it will end. And when the end of yet arrived, I was immediately a good rest to digest all in my head. Because of this film, I did not expect.

In the story, which is again a very, very simple, that even tell pointless, but I still say. So, from the very beginning of the film we are told, with what started this whole mess with zombies. The military plane carrying on myself some chemicals, crashed straight into the woods. And so the pilots do you trust? Well, maybe it was an accident. This is the most dangerous toxic liquid is gradually spreading through the countryside and infects all who were nearby. Those infected with the most went straight to the nearest towns, thereby spreading the infection this, and devouring those who do turn up. With all this terrible epidemic decided to tackle two scientists-heroes, who, armed with improvised means, including a chainsaw, go out and start to deal with walking ghouls. Well, of course, the characters in this situation simply must be found.



Zombi 90: Extreme Pestilence 1991