Chainsaw Zombies Redux movie

Year: 19

Duration: 01:00:00

Directed by: Andreas Pape, Oliver Kellisch

Actors: Christian Engelmann, Mario Zimmerschitt, Boris Hansmann

Language: German

Country: Germany

Also known as: Kettensägen Zombies Redux


Chainsaw Zombies Redux is a re-edited form of an ultra-cheap German splatter brief made by a bunch of passionate young gore-hounds back in 1999. Rather why anyone would choose to revisit such a project over a decade later is beyond me personally, but right here it’s, a whopping six moments much longer as a result but possibly not much better for it.

The plot—for exactly what it’s worth—sees a chainsaw wielding maniac killed and buried in some woods where, a year later, a team of lads decide to pitch their tent to get wasted on alcohol. One of the men unintentionally cuts his hand on a can, the blood spilling over the maniac’s grave, and before you can say ‘Wow, what a stupid idea for a film’ the chainsaw killer is up and about chopping up anyone he should encounter.

The remainder of the movie consists of a succession of very bloody, reasonably performed home-made gore effects which prove enjoyable for a whilst, but eventually get very repetitive, the chainsaw zombie not being all that imaginative with his power tool dismemberment (we lost count of just how many arms get sawn down!). For many, this will prove virtually unwatchable, but fans of separate gore flicks—particularly those who have

had a go themselves—should at minimum get a kick out from the quantity (if not quality) of splatter, and value the

dedication required to finish these types of a movie, let alone get back to it ten years later on and try and make it better.




Chainsaw Zombies Redux 2010
