46 Votes

Sex-Is-Comedy Sex is Comedy

Year: 2002

Duration: 01:30:16

Directed by: Catherine Breillat

Actors: Anne Parillaud, Grégoire Colin, Roxane Mesquida

Language: French

Country: France

Also known as: Scènes intimes


40 -year-old Jeanne rezhissersha , known for his bold views on sex and everything connected with it, takes his next film on the same topic . But at the moment it is most concerned with how to teach the two main performers convincingly play a major intimate scene – young heroine deprivation of innocence. Everything else pales before this problem and it seems only foreplay , psychological eyeliner novice actors to ensure that they will create here and now – right in front of the camera.

Naughty young stars in every way ( and usually completely unmotivated ) resist it inevitably approaching moment , posing naive and unsuspecting touchy , and at every opportunity, showing ambition . Particularly well in this partner flatly refuses to shoot the scene defloration socks and actress virgin and did not know what to do and how to be behave in this situation .

” Asshole you a kind ! Who kisses so ? “- Screams violently dissatisfied Jeanne . Another mini- conflict stops the process and turns shooting the climactic scene in the real torture that is behind schedule , causing not only rezhissersha nervous , but the whole crew . But all the actors are willing to bear their whims, as each – from technicians to set up the audience in the hall – just waiting for this exciting moment of copulation .

This is where the fun begins – not sex, in the conventional sense , and banter on this occasion , that the main attraction , for which , I suppose, and this movie was started . In the main stage insolvent actor has a special mock- erect penis . Of several models he chooses the largest phallus – the size of a more suitable thoroughbred Mustang . However, utterly exhausted rezhissersha not find the strength to challenge the present selection .

Only now , armed with a dildo , the hero begins to live in the frame , as befits a lover , and plush actress finally signs of life , and all at once it turns itself . Filmed in the final scene , the girl is crying as if in fact parted with innocence . Defloratora suffers a bit , but quickly recovers and received his new toy play : after the shooting continues to walk with a dildo strapped to scare the hall and the creative team . As they say, no matter what the actors teshilis – just not crying. Jeanne, clearly satisfied (or fertilized ) result methodically eats a banana …

Breillat once again, as in the “Romance ” (1999) , as follows in ” Anatomy of Hell ” (2003) , continues to monitor the man as a guinea pig for exposing his piquant and vulnerable form. She gently inverts again ( here almost anecdotally ) the conventional model in which a male director prescribed sculpt erotic image of women through the Artist’s Model . So unfashionable in recent feminist ideas continue to find ground for its author’s self-affirmation.

But at the same time , Breillat openly mocks hypocritical movie censorship , for which an excited male member remains a ” persona non grata .” It replaces the “living phallus ” artificial clone formally removes all the possible attacks on the part of pornography. She is not afraid to turn sex into a comedy ( the original title of the film and sound , and not ” Intimate scenes “, which he left in Russia) , laughing , primarily over how it is commonly exploited in the movie.

Not be a mistake to see in this movie and original declaration of love for cinema. Breillat for this love to celluloid as significant as reflections on sacred sex. And besides , this story ( which occurred , by the way , in real life during the filming of the previous tapes – ” my sister “), best explains why all the actors Catherine prefers male lately porn stallion Rocco Siffredi … simple – it is always worthwhile.



Sex is Comedy (2002)

Sex is Comedy English Subtitles