Revolt-of-the-Slaves Revolt of the Slaves

Year: 1960

Duration: 01:40:32

Directed by:  Nunzio Malasomma

Actors:  Rhonda Fleming, Lang Jeffries, Darío Moreno

Language:  Italian | German | English

Country:  Spain | Italy | West Germany

Also known as: La rivolta degli schiavi, Slavernes oprør, A Revolta dos Escravos, Slavernes oprør, Orjien kapina, Les révolte des esclaves, To xypnima ton sklavon, La rebelión de los esclavos, Slavenes opprør, A Revolta dos Escravos, Kanli Roma, Die Sklaven Roms


Fabiola, the unpleasant daughter of a Roman aristocrat, whips a Christian slave after he declines to take part in a battling match. Ultimately, she falls in love with the same servant, and becomes involved in an effort to save Christians from maltreatment




Revolt of the Slaves 1960