The-Heart-Is-Deceitful-Above-All-Things The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things

Year: 2004

Duration: 01:35:26

Directed by: Asia Argento

Actors: Asia Argento, Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse

Language: English

Country: USA | UK | France | Japan

Also known as: El corazón es engañoso por sobre todas las cosas, Maldito Coração, O Coração É Traiçoeiro Acima de Todas as Coisas, Das Herz ist eine hinterlistige Person, Petollinen on ihmissydän, Le livre de Jérémie, A szív csalfa vágyai, Ingannevole è il cuore più di ogni cosa, Aldatan yürek

Description of Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things movie: To judge this film will be the same as judging our life , which I do not see the point, because life is life. This film is not only to criticize or criticize acting game , music, shooting themselves quietly and watch this film with a distorted face and a shock of thoughts in my head that would have to change the world . After all, in this film set out the terrible truth of life, from which no escape .

Acting in this movie is not bad, but also not to say excellent, although it may be this film and does not require anything more. Asia in my opinion accustomed to the role and was able to convey the aggressiveness of the women’s facial features . Because in this movie played twins , sometimes you may have noticed the substitution of one for the other, which I consider not the best highlight of this film, although these same twins played perfectly.

In the plot of the film “Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things” are interesting elements . For example, the fact that the boy half of his childhood living in the intended environment for the child , but then the mother decides to take him back to himself, it is not clear why. This time improves the perception of the painting . But still this film reveals look at it as a mother kills her slowly from within the child, stuffing him with drugs and driving with him racket .

Gray , empty streets is one of the main attributes for the atmosphere of this kind of films , all of this could give the director.

Should I advise to watch this film , quite a controversial issue. Since this movie is not meant for any kind of awards (although for his honesty on merit could get a decent amount of awards) , it is intended that the people viewing it would have reflected on how they are committing . Watch or not watch – the choice is yours.



The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2004)