33 Votes

Nekromantik_1987 Nekromantik

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:11:16

Directed by: Jörg Buttgereit

Actors: Bernd Daktari Lorenz, Beatrice Manowski, Harald Lundt and Colloseo Schulzendorf 

Language: German (English subs)

Country: West Germany

Also known as: NEKRomantik

Description: Robert Schmadtke works as an attendant for a cleaning service that removes bodies and human remains after accidents. He secretly steals body parts and then an entire rotted corpse and brings them home to his girlfriend Betty where the two of them engage in necrophiliac sex. But after Robert is fired from the job, Betty leaves him, taking the corpse. Unhappily, Robert tries to compensate by slaughtering cats and prostitutes.

Review: Watching Nekromantik is akin to watching a Salo or 120 Days of Sodom (1975), a Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) or a Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) for the first time. There is an absolute rawness to it that you know is the real thing – that it is a film that has set out to defy all convention and shock deep inside social sensibilities. (It is no particular surprise that Nekromantik has been banned in just about every country in the world). And it is a rawness that transmits itself despite the impoverished surroundings of the production – the grainy 8mm film stock, the bad acting and the bad editing. Director Jorg Buttgereit sets out to break you down with full-frontal shock value – theres a shockingly hard-to-watch (real) scene early on where we see a rabbit having its throat slit and it then being skinned and gutted. (A scene with a cat being killed later in the film doesnt quite have the same shock impact because the cat is obviously just a prop hidden in a bag, not the real thing). But this is merely a warmup for the really way-out scene in which Daktari Lorenz and Beatrice M engage in a threesome with a corpse, wherein a piece of dowling with a condom on is inserted in the bodys crotch so she can ride it and they are seen kissing its rotting lips, smearing the putrescent goo over themselves and rolling its eyeballs in their mouths



Nekromantik 1987