Turks_fruit_1973 Turks Fruit

Year: 1973

Duration: 01:48:03

Directed by: Paul Verhoeven

Actors: Monique van de Ven, Rutger Hauer, Tonny Huurdeman

Language: Dutch (English subs)

Country: Netherlands

Also known as: Turkish Delight, Eric and Olga, The Sensualist, Wild Intent

Description: A story about love hippie talented sculptor Eric with rebel redhead teenage daughter absolutely of a horrid mother, which would shock many. Eric marries a girl who hoisted him when he voted on the way to Amsterdam. After the wedding, they were happy for a while, but after the death of her father … Made by Paul Verhoeven, who also filmed Keetje Tippel

Review: Young and vibrant, talented and skillful Rutger Hauer and Paul Verhoeven, from the beginning of his friendship and relationship, be able to create true masterpieces and vibrant paintings, which to this day can not look as cool and interesting. One representative of the effective interaction – a melodrama, and even the most that neither is a real drama with an attractive name “Turkish delight,” in which Hauer starred in explicit scenes and later became popular in his home country, the Netherlands. They say that Rutger later tried to forget and was ashamed of this picture, but in the eyes of moviegoers and personally from my point of view, made it a very worthy and has played the role of artist-sculptor in this film is very realistic and superb.

Since childhood, I know this band, and sometimes sneak to parents, watching this movie, I’m more than glad and rejoice in his childhood favorite actor – Hauer, each of the roles that I have met with genuine enthusiasm and joy. Yes, of course, how could I understand the true meaning of this picture, and even more so – some of the scenes, while still quite small? But, nonetheless, watching the film now, being more clever and smarter in these matters, I can say that the movie was just as informative and straight as frank and open. Is this bad? No, not really, and that is not representative of the lack of culture, familiarity and debauchery on the screen. Now, despite this picture, of course, not without sraveniya the famous “Emmanuel”, every time you catch yourself thinking that the picture-that is meaningful, there are still major issues that opens and views the film.

It has everything and nothing at once – and the power of relationships, and the manifestation of love as carnal and spiritual, as the ability to understand and listen to your neighbor and help him achieve a goal. Some very touching moments, which, at times, without tears look absolutely impossible, but that can always be felt in different ways – in fact, more and more thinking, drawing their minds to understanding the picture, you realize how controversial some thoughts and how they can be treated by every person who had the opportunity to contemplate this film.

What I especially liked – as the exact sequence of the plot. Clearly see the cause-effect relationship of the characters. The plot is clearly moving to a natural end. End of what is going on in the hearts of the Dutch society. The film is quite clearly predicted in 1973 modern problems – drugs, homosexuality, the chaos that is going on in society today. In this sense, the film prophetic.



Turks fruit 1973

Turks fruit 1973 (English subs)