Tobacco-Roody Tobacco Roody

Year: 1972

Duration: 01:24:49

Directed by: Bethel Buckalew

Actors: Dixie Donovan, Johnny Rocco, Debbie Osborne

Language: English | French

Country: USA

Also known as: Lust auf heiße Lippen

Description: It’s a hillbilly hoedown! Over the hill from Tobacco Road lies “Tobacco Roody” (84 min.), where folks spend their lives liquored-up and makin’ love. Moonshiner Mose Mason plays giddy-up with his platinum-blonde niece, Tootie, while Southern belles Lulu-Mae and Carolina go skinny-dippin’ in the creek before climbing into each other’s arms. Meanwhile Mose’s wife takes care of a snoopin’ sheriff right on the kitchen table, then settles late mortgage payments with the landlord by playin’ peek-a-boo in the back of his van. Finally three dimwitted farm boys with a truck full of loco weed stop by to sample Mose’s white lightning, then his darling daughters! Yeee-haaaahhh!



Tobacco Roody (1972)