27 Votes

Giallo_in_Venice Giallo in Venice

Year: 1979

Duration: 01:39:02

Directed by: Mario Landi

Actors: Leonora Fani, Jeff Blynn, Gianni Dei and Michele Renzullo

Language: Italian (English subs)

Country: Italy

Also known as: Giallo a Venezia, Gore in Venice, Mystery in Venice, Thriller in Venice

Description: Well here’s a controversial little rarity, subtitled too. Like House at the Edge of the Park and New York Ripper this is ultra sleazy and very hard to defend. On the other hand one can just enjoy. It’s not the best made giallo, in fact barely justifying the moniker but like the other two films mentioned is most efficient in covering the ground it intends to make it’s own. Lots of sex of all sorts, indoors and out, in ones, two’s and in groups. Masturbation, buggery, voyeurism, prostitution, rape, whipping, double rape, and not just brief glimpses, whole scenes. Then there is the gory violence including the scissors in the crotch killings and the appalling sawing off of the bound women’s leg. She passes out but after he’s finished he slaps her so she can awaken again to the pain! Extraordinary, as is much of this unremitting near hardcore tour de force. Venice looks a bit tawdry which I guess is appropriate but the music by Berto Pisano is a real treat and is one of the elements that stops this falling completely into the gutter. Another plus is the acting which especially considering the material is very fine. But then I like the minuses too!  



Giallo in Venice 1979

Giallo in Venice (English subs)