16 Votes

Cut_and_Run_aka_Inferno_in_diretta_1985 Cut and Run

Year: 1985

Duration: 01:30:40

Directed by: Ruggero Deodato

Actors: Lisa Blount, Leonard Mann, Willie Aames

Language: English

Country: Italy

Also known as: Inferno in diretta, Straight to Hell, Amazonia: La jungle blanche, Anthropokynigito ston Amazonio, Inferno em Directo

Description: In the jungles of Latin America wields brutal drug baron El Phantasm, he is the U.S. Army officer, who was considered dead. TV reporter Fran Hudson’d like to do an interview with this man, and together with his faithful operator Mark flies directly in the heart of the “green hell”, where El Phantasm hands wild natives dealt with its yesterday’s accomplices.

Review: One of the main problems of modern society – drug addiction. Beach, devouring the nations of the world from the inside, not knowing the obstacles. All attempts to fight only lead to the capture of specific groups, leaders. But the basic forces are concentrated not in major metropolitan areas, and in the middle of nowhere, with no one to look for would not, could be on a remote island, protected wild tribes. And there are constant and bloody war between the syndicates for the world market. With such a force difficult to compete. Thus, the “Cut and Run”

A very interesting conclusion of the trilogy of films about the lives of the wild tribes in the remote islands of Ruggero Deodato. Whether he was influenced by the events connected with the release of the last picture (“Cannibal Holocaust,” 1980), or simply tired of treading water. Nevertheless, “Cut and Run” is completely different from his previous works. As such, families received little screen time, cannibalism disappeared completely. In the foreground – an example of the functioning of the syndicate for the production, transportation and marketing of drugs, and the story of four people, two of them on their stupidity go to the heart of the syndicate for a sensational interview with the leader and the other two have been living in it (consider, slaves) . Their fates are intertwined in the struggle for survival and justice.

In general, the film is full of some ridiculous scenes, dialogues and action. Someone kills someone, heroes without fear walking the village cut, knowing that the killers around. The general meaning of the film is clear, but some scenes cause if not surprisingly, the light stupor accurately.

The only thing that unites all three films Deodato, so it is pronounced and profound idea. “Cannibal Holocaust 3” (1977) – the desire to make money by withdrawing resources from the earth, “Cannibal Holocaust” (1980) – the desire to cash in on someone else’s grief, reluctance to feel the pain and suffering of others, “Cut and Run” – the theme of drug abuse, there all goes without saying. That’s all, can boast of a movie. Well, perhaps more colorful, to say the least – a great hero-inimitably by Michael Berryman, the image of which, unfortunately, has remained unsolved. But in general, a good picture, easy (in comparison, of course, with the second film) and interesting.

From director Ruggero Deodato, who also filmed Body Count and Dial: Help



Cut and Run aka Inferno in diretta 1985