Invasion-Of-The-Pod-People Invasion of the Pod People

Year: 2007

Duration: 01:24:56

Directed by: Justin Jones

Actors: Erica Roby, Jessica Bork, Sarah Lieving

Language: English + Commentary track

Country: USA

Also known as: Körperfresser 2 – Die Rückkehr | Invasion: The Beginning | Eisvoli apo allo planiti

Description of Pod People movie: A rain of fire struck California. Hundreds of meteorites falling to earth. Fires destroy entire neighborhoods. But scared people are not even aware of what is actually experienced.

This is not the biblical version of Armageddon! Actually we are talking about… the invasion of the aliens! Choosing the victim, they turn into its exact copy. Then invader destroys the person and takes its place! Slowly but surely aliens inhabit the Earth…

Review: Started watching a movie with a secret desire to enjoy a fantastic thriller , but after the first scene of being a soft sensuality , which all went on and on and never ended , crept into the soul of the first doubts about the genre paintings . Perhaps the authors in this fantastic saw her , God forgive me , the works ? Then where does the ” sci-fi thriller ” ?

Intercourse , even fantastic, as a rule, always ends the same . ( By the way, women are generally at the level of American notions of prettiness – heavy chins , coarse facial features, greed in his eyes. And guys – like all of the German sex , bald and repulsive appearance. ) I pulled myself together – not science fiction . Well, I switch to fiction with an erotic twist. Maybe the authors by aliens decided to change the concept of clerical morality ? And this is where it should start something fantastic , like a group of office sin of all employees of a small business with a gradual connection of more and more customers and visitors. Oh and there to scale all-American Armageddon close … No, the writers of fantasy is not enough , as the producer can crushed toad artists to raise rates on the level of pornoispolniteley .

I do not know what or how, but the film “Invasion of the Pod People” went on to disgust formulaic way when dull dialogues interspersed with cheesy erotic scenes. Fair to say that actors have played quite well , assembly -level , and thanks to the operator only for the fact that there was shaking like the last drunken freak , a camera that is fashionable in the operator -together. Watch this movie, proudly ranks itself in the sci-fi thriller , I do not advise , even for DVD- release of the film is too lame , secondary and primitive. This nefantastika and netriller and neerotika . This is – bullshit in a beautiful box with the enticing title.



Invasion of the Pod People 2007