Los-Violadores-del-Amanecer Los violadores del amanecer

Year: 1978

Duration: 01:26:57

Directed by: Ignacio F. Iquino

Actors: Mireia Ros, Linda Lay, Eva Lyberten

Language: Spanish

Country: Spain

Also known as: Dawn Rapists

Description: This is officially a very rare rapist,dark,urban-set film reflective of a dark period in Spanish history,the transition.

Many political and from here social changes during the 1970s and early 80s led to many different problems,one of these being juvenile delinquency.

From these so abundant occurences directors,writers and musicians began to compose,sing,and record what they read,saw and heard about everywhere,this led to a genre cinematically categorized as ‘Cine Kinki’.

This genre sounds like it’s very sexual,and yes,indeed it is,sex,drugs,cars,guns,murder….Normally accompanied with great soundtracks that make them even more spectacular and terrifying.

This film here,is a real gem,Los Violadores del Amanecer was banned upon it’s original release,if you watch it you will understand why,a very dark,demented film at times frankly that shocked even the most accustomed cineasts.

Due to it’s ban and obvious nature and treatment this movie has been forgotten for many years,to only be kept ‘playing’ by the most avid film freaks.This has never been released on DVD and i doubt very much it ever will be,grab it now why you have the chance.It took myself years to find….





The Dawn Rapist (1978)