13 Votes

Death-Wish-VThe-Face-of-Death-1994 Death Wish V: The Face of Death

Year: 1994

Duration: 01:34:57

Directed by: Allan A. Goldstein

Actors: Charles Bronson, Lesley-Anne Down, Michael Parks

Language: English | English Subtitles

Country: USA

Also known as: Bosszúvágy V.: Bosszú a kedvesemért, Cara de muerte, Death Wish 5: The Face of Death, Death Wish: The Face of Death, Desejo de Matar V, El vengador anónimo 5, Il giustiziere della notte 5, Le justicier – L’ultime combat, To prosopo tou thanatou, Väkivallan vihollinen 5 – kalman kasvot, Väkivallan vihollinen V – kalman kasvot, Zyczenie smierci 5

Description: Paul Kersey returns to New York with the intention to start a normal human life without car chases and shootouts with his fiancee Olivia Regent. But a beautiful dream still remains a dream. Olivia has been killed. Paul is sure that this is the work of her ex-husband Tommy O ‘Shea – the leader of the mafia. Knowing full well that justice is powerless in such matters, Paul once again take up arms in order to sort out with gangsters …

Review: I do not know why it was necessary snimamat this film. Why did Charles Bronson starred in it?

The story of the architect field Kersey, struggling with their own means of crime, it was better to leave it alone after the first film, well, at least, stop at third. Topic has exhausted itself. But the authors of the series have not stopped …

The plot of Death Wish not possess originality – the hero Bronson kill a loved one, and he takes revenge on offenders rather rigid methods.

Participation in the film is not a great actor gives authors fall into complete idiocy. Allan Goldstein, later it will remove all the memorable “The Sixth Element”, trying to be original, and he obviously had a couple of good ideas, but their performance is so bad that the film looks ka parody of all the other parts.

Undoubtedly, the film Death Wish completely pulls ageless Bronson, who all the same-the same ruthless glint in his eye avenges broken, it is almost close happiness.

In the last shot, when Bronson turns his back and walks away into the unknown, I had tears in his eyes, because he knew it was the last film Bronson, which went into cinemas. Then there was the trilogy “The Police Family”, filmed for television, all …

Great was the actor, able to understand at a high level even such nonsense.
Tomb of Charles Bronson – a large granite slab, decorated with a poem by the American poetess Mary Fry. His last line means something like ”

“Do not shed tears over my grave – I was not there, because I’m not dead”

All true. Movie heroes do not die. Their images were left on the film. They live in our hearts!

Review #2: It is very difficult to write this review. However, I do it. The thing is that I just feel ashamed to speak ill of the deceased to the present, a great actor Charles Bronson, once won well-deserved recognition and fame on top of a huge mountain of Hollywood, called “cinema”. During the late eighties – early nineties marked by a complete loss of Bronson’s career and total denigration of his hard-earned reputation. Without exception, the films that were released in this period, with Charles in the title role, absolutely no commercial success did not use and, moreover, have been trampled in the dust by film critics and booed by even the most steadfast fans of the actor.

“Murder,” “Messenger of Death”, “Kindzhayt: Forbidden questions”: all these films are very clearly demonstrated a complete loss of interest in relation to the actor spectators. The only bright spot in all of this obscurantism was perhaps the only esthetic, architectural project of Sean Penn’s “The Indian Runaway”, and he was not accepted by every consumer. Even the sequels, it would seem, has received the status of a stable cash franchise “death wish”, failed at the box office, scoring the final nail in the coffin of everything.

However, later, neither more nor less than 7 years after the fourth film about the adventures of a noble avenger Paul Kirsty showed extremely lousy results in the North American box office, someone, somewhere, and for some reason decided that the great “Vigilante” is not otmuchilsya and gave the green light to the creation of the fifth film with Bronson in the title role. Sponsor so obviously hopeless project, none of the Hollywood studios – majors and has not had the courage, so the matter was taken for a miniature film company “Traymark”, whose most successful achievement was the production treshovym franchise “Leprechaun”.

As you know, at a stage preceding the beginning of creation, “Death Wish 5” was just bound to become a third-rate slag, unable to interest even grandmothers, lovers of Brazilian soap operas. Also responsible for the script and for directing laid on a little-known Allan A. Goldstein, and later affixed the famous comedy “The Sixth Element”, and before – who had not the slightest experience in dealing with the films “A” category. Alan, of course, and even did not think about any possibility of expansion of the Universe franchise “Death Wish” and just took an unofficial remake of the fourth part.

That’s right, you heard right. If the “Death Wish 2” at the time presented itself free from the first remake of “Death Wish”, the “Death Wish 5: The Face of Death” is from a nothing but a little time-lapse remake “Death Wish 4: The Crackdown” As in the previous film, Paul Kirsty will not withstand a street gang frostbitten maniacs. And quite a intelligent and organized mafia, which sees in the use of dirty Avenger own benefit. Needless to say, that scenario moves and dialgi between the characters also have not undergone significant changes especially since the fourth film of the series?

But this is only the tip of the iceberg that sank the last theatrical film Bronson, like “Titanic.” The fact is that this film does not initially intended for display in movie theaters, it was decided to sell on cable television. However, it seems there was someone among the producers, who escaped from a hospital for a psychiatric clinic ‘s just as he decided to release this picture in a theater rental. It is clear that there is no wide distribution in this telepodelki was not even close, but it still just showed, obviously, in order to pay a considerable fee Bronson, who is rumored to double the budget of the film.

On the picture can not be said almost nothing good: it’s a low-budget hack, sinning completely unprofessional shots, eerie installation, a huge number of large and medium-sized plans, boring dialogue and a minimum of action. Even the lighting and then smacks lyubitelschiny. The only thing that attracted me – it’s a surprisingly beautiful ending, which allegedly filmed entirely different director. I especially liked the picture with the outgoing to some otherworldly Bronson blows, as if heralding the decline of his career.



Death Wish V: The Face of Death 1994

Death Wish V: The Face of Death 1994 English Subtitles