A-Dozen-Ways-To-Die A Dozen Ways to Die

Year: 1990

Duration: 01:25:56

Directed by: Randall Hill

Actors: Darwyn Swalve, Gilbert Houseaux, DeeAnn Varns

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: 


Rigpd from a Macrovisioned, E.P s.o.b mama- fu mg NTSC VHS (that took a dozen attempts to cap) here’s a HYPER-obscure, no_ buoget, a’aIBgta:lar ball of uber-gank stamnagcrxt-svzed Gi I-lausea_uxasat1nyrn.an_tswears revengewhenhsdesettvacatponrsaxtshort and ms wife and daughter are kldnapped by bog fat Dagwnn Swalve_and hrs snazzy gang who qsmgnse of – get this – a rapper, a_Mex1an, a dlI‘t> ker, a _cow&t)¥, a hooker, a mag and.. a fu_d<mg Nazg!! IN HIMMEL! l phlky Gclbettandsurkaruve the’ ggnfirefieduaansaws, [309 00 Doo. , “13 YOU Wo99 In sub-pat JCVD hys&cs Instead?



A Dozen Ways to Die!! (1990)