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Camp Blood

Camp Blood movie (more…)

Camp Blood 2

Camp Blood 2 movie

Year: 2000

Duration: 74 min.

Directed by: Brad Sykes

Actors: Jennifer Ritchkoff, Garrett Clancy, Missy Rae Hansen

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Camp Blood 2 – The Revenge

Description: In between the one gratuitous shower scene, which may actually be from another movie since its indoors and lit properly, and the few so-so low gore effects, you can do what I did and try to think of how many movies exist that feature a killer in a clown mask…? Too many. Completely forgettable sequel to Camp Blood will have you snoring before too long if you actually get passed the first ten minutes. Still, I can think of 50 slasher flicks that are worse than this one…So give it a try!



Camp Blood 2 (2000)

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