Nothing_Personal_2009 Nothing Personal

Year: 2009

Duration: 01:26:05

Directed by:  Urszula Antoniak

Actors: Stephen Rea, Lotte Verbeek and Tom Charlfa

Language: English and some Dutch / Irish Gaelic

Country: Ireland; Netherlands

Also known as: Nada Pessoal; Nada personal; Nic osebnega; Nic osobistego; Semmit magamról; Tipota to prosopiko


The film is about a beautiful girl and intelligent man ( perfect combination ) , their unusual love pilgrims and hermits . She runs from the past , and he does not hurry in the future. Met by chance, they are joined in a common quest for peace and solitude . Realizing life “especially in its ” they find happiness in a relationship , ” especially in its ” without unnecessary conversations and questions. Despite the age difference, they form a beautiful union – a bit unusual , but only possible in their world.

The director does not reveal to us the past heroes. Only in the beginning of the film shows a small piece of history and character in one sentence about his wife’s death he made mention of his . More is needed – loneliness set.

Cold beautiful northern landscapes , slow the course of events , a rare dialogue, but despite this , the film is not boring , on the contrary – it looks the same breath.

Acting is amazing – facial expressions, gestures , emotions, all this makes you forget about the game tape “goes” as life outside. I especially want to mention the game Lotte Verbeek , she and cruel and kind, gentle and rough, cold and gentle. Loved the scene in bed. No, not where the characters together, where she was alone. Some particularly delicate, sensual, feminine amazing scene . Erotic special perspective.

In the film, there is no soundtrack – the film sounds as if by itself , a special , delicate, characteristic only of European , but rather the northern movies sound. Amazing music Ethan Rose quietly appears and goes nowhere , it is impossible to “separate ” from the picture, she subtly emphasizes the atmosphere going , complements the beauty of landscapes, conveys the emotions of heroes.

We can not say about the camera work . Largely thanks to the talent of Daniel Boquete film acquires its unusualness .

Rare case when, after first viewing the film becomes one of the favorite .

It said so , and not mistaken character of the movie ” It’s nothing personal .” Find this movie Bichar was not such an easy task . Uymy of films with the same name, just like this is charged Irish arthouse . Overall , the film is worth seeing their straightforward concept and surround contemplation.

It may seem that a film about a lonely woman who decided to break with the past and lonely life seen a man living , or rather living out a certain period , one out of civilization . About how they met once , but refused meets began to live together .

For both of them there is a line, which begins formal personal side of their lives. And , any intersection, contrary to common sense , does not lead to convergence , and distance from each other . Maybe it in disappointment , but rather because the formal aspect of a person ‘s name, favorite number and zodiac sign – all this garbage, quite unnecessary to be around and feel the warmth of human hands .

Talent knows when to stop. These are great words worthy of the Jedi , able to appreciate its great mediocrity that just happens . Just sunshine , just the wind blows, the grass just grows. Just beside the man .



Nothing Personal 2009