124 Votes

Sweet_Movie Sweet Movie

Year: 1974

Duration: 01:29:16

Directed by: Dusan Makavejev

Actors: Carole Laure, Pierre Clémenti and Anna Prucnal

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Sweet Movie – makea kaunotar,  Um Filme Doce

Description: Mother multimillionaire chooses on TV contest a perfect virgin for her son, not made ​​up happiness for himself or herself. At the same time on the water of symbolism floats a tow, headed by Marx head on the nose and intoxicated with the revolutionary struggle of hippie girl on board, which soon joins horny sailor from “Potemkin” …

Review: In front of us Sweet Movie, Movie – a historical document, whose author dissects the political and social currents of our time, making out with his work as a film-provocation, a film-puzzle, it is difficult to understand and multilayered. Here we meet a lone fighters failed social revolution and street children sexual revolution ended the “Summer of Love”, here we have struck a motley bunch of various characters, symbols, provocative and sometimes simply scandalous. We see the virgin-miss-world, which, after an unsuccessful and a fleeting marriage of a millionaire falls to the bottom of a modern society, where the reaction proletarian literally feeds it to his chest. And he begins to engage in this proletarian things disgusting, absolutely filthy, with singing revolutionary songs and chanting revolutionary slogans that certainly is a living symbol of the events actually took place.



Sweet Movie 1974