The_Bloody_Judge The Bloody Judge

Year: 1970

Duration: 01:16:00

Directed by: Jesus Franco

Actors: Christopher Lee, Maria Schell and Leo Genn

Language: German

Country:  Liechtenstein | Italy | Spain | West Germany

Also known as: Il trono di fuoco | Der Hexentöter von Blackmoor |Throne of the Blood Monster | El juez sangriento

Description: The infamous Jess Franco, whose output at the time of writing totaled close to 200 movies, evidently still had aspirations as a serious filmmaker when he made this period drama to cash in on the success of Witch Finder General, but he wasn’t beyond inserting frequent episodes of soft-porn – of which he apparently neglected to inform his star, Christopher Lee until after shooting was complete. The result is a curious mash-up of history lesson and sleaze that fails to satisfy on either level.



The Bloody Judge