A-Hora-do-Medo A Hora do Medo

Year: 1986

Duration: 01:11:14

Directed by: Francisco Cavalcanti, José Mojica Marins

Actors: Jota Alves, Regina Andrion, Fabricio Cavalcanti

Language: Portuguese

Country: Brazil

Also known as: A Hora do Medo (Brazil; original title)

Description: A man kills a woman and his mother gets rid of the body. She is protecting him due to the abusive childhood he had and that turned him into a lustful but violent young man.

She takes him to their secluded home in the country where she promises to get him more women. All goes well until the boyfriend of one of the girls comes to discover what happened to her.

Review of Hora do Medo: A pretty indistinct movie that was aiming for psychoanalytical possibilities to show sexual violence became a movie with some great horror moments when José Mojica Marins, the famous Zé do Caixão/Coffin Joe, got to direct the main scenes of violence.

It does not really come together, but to watch the dynamic imposed on those scenes it is worth the view.

In Portuguese and I must say fairly poor quality.  Would love to have subs but you don’t really need them to follow along.  José Mojica Marins was one of the directors which is pretty cool.  From what I can tell basically a boy witnesses his dad torture women when he is young and grows up to be a lady killing mama’s boy.  He likes to cry on his mom’s shoulder every time he freaks out and  kills.  Mom is so proud and even helps with the killings and disposal of the bodies!  Sleazy fun NOT for the whole family.



The Hour of the Fear 1986 A Hora do Medo