Cold-Hearts-1999 Cold Hearts

Year: 1999

Duration: 01:28:40

Directed by: Robert A. Masciantonio

Actors: Marisa Ryan, Robert Floyd, Amy Jo Johnson

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Filhos das Trevas (Brazil) | Vampirfürst – Lord of the Dead (Germany)

Description: A small town in New Jersey is hiding a dark secret.

Viktoria has been devoted to the vampire way of life for a decade, stealing from the local blood bank and on rare occasions actually killing someone.

Now a mysterious stranger arrives into town and falls in love with her, ending up caught in a power feud between vampire clans,, lead by Viktoria’s ex-boyfriend.

Seth is determined to fight him, over Viktoria and his own life!

 A peaceful town in New Jersey offers a dark secret. Viktoria has given her soul and life to the methods for the vampire. Now, after almost a decade of taking blood from local clinics and the occasional Viktoria, kill is more pessimistic than ever. Seth, a mystical guy in black colored, comes to city and falls for her only to find himself caught in an energy struggle between her friends and another vampire clan led by her malicious Charles, ex-boyfriend. As Charles’ vampire gang nourishes upon the townspeople, Seth patch his own type of payback



Cold Hearts – 1999