Bad-Georgia-Road1 Bad Georgia Road

Year:  1977

Duration:  01:31:10

Directed by:  John C. Broderick

Actors:  Gary Lockwood, Carol Lynley, Royal Dano

Language:  English

Country:  USA

Also known as:  Georgia Road – Die Unschlagbaren, Kumi sulaa asfaltilla

Description:  Part 2 of my hicksploitation drive-in
It’s the rare Bad Georgia Road!
Tacked on to every drive-in double feature in the southeast for several years.
It sure did seem like it was anyway.

“Trouble Down South” classic takes a page from MACON COUNTY LINE, with a little SMOKEY AS WELL AS THE BANDIT tossed in for great measure. Lynley plays Ms. Golden, a sexually frigid, uptight liberal asshole from ny. Lockwood is a riot as out-of-control drunkard hick-stud Leroy. Strange places consist of a number of NY lesbians whacking one another with stress bats, and an FBI broker in drag as a female evangelist. The film’s central theme is its odd culture clash, as liberal chick locks horns with redneck chauvinist although the moonshinin’ operation is the plot’s main focus. At one point, Golden follows Leroy into the regional watering gap, observing their ancient mating rituals as would Jane Pauley a number of gorillas. Ultimately, Leroy rapes Golden in a powerful scene which, in a normal movie, would have already been where chick converts on male and eliminates him. However in this twisted tale, Golden falls on her behalf rapist! Call this movie a grand exercise in DEVO-lution! Funny film also contains some decent automobile chases, as well as a theme song that is goofy.



Bad Georgia Road (1977)