Female_Convict_101_Sucks Female Convict 101: Sucks

Year: 1977

Duration: 01:10:40

Directed by: Koyu Ohara

Actors: Michio Murakami, Naomi Tani, Tokuko Watanabe

Language: Japanese

Country: Japan

Also known as: Joshuu 101: Shaburu


Evervone knows the famous series of films from To vears of operating
with Meiko Kaji, Female Convict Scorpion, vvhose numbervvas To1
prisoners. With such a title, one can surmise that Female Convict
101 is a snap verv supported this famous series. Although not the first
to eroticize Female Convict Scorpion (the previous vear had seen
the film seem Joshuu 101 - Sexual Hell of lsao Hayashi also
director of Castle Ories or Invisible Man: Rapel), The film
Kouyuu Ohara has tvvo advantages: the presence of Naomi Tani in
the role of the prisoner 101 and good taste to avoid the travestv of his
Indeed, even if Female Convict 101 does not hesitate to draw
inspiration sometimes openlv in Female Convict Scorpion,just as it
draws its inspiration from almost anv movie WIP (Woman in Prison).
The themes remain verv classic stvle: arrival of a newcomer, lesbians
prisoners, the old prisoner traitor and a hero not inherentlv bad, but
after a rash act (and to some extent forgivable) has committed a
murder. In love with a singer became a celebritv, it never ceases to
vvant to find it.
The difference including Female Convict Scorpion is the engine of
the film is not revenge but love. lvloreover, rather than the
pervasiveness of violence, eroticism, which is used as a substitute.
The vvhole film remains relativelv conventional with an alternative
crossing in prison and prisoner of the past 101 (vvhv is she injail and
vvhv is it so desperatelv out). Kouyuu Ohara is talented enough to
offer a film excellent with some good ideas (both in substance and in
form) but vvhere it hit hard in his conclusion is very surprising and
disconcerting that transforms a pinku prison classic film in prison
erotic trend necrophile .. . We also appreciate the music, a kind of
foreshadovving of JM Jarre.
Lovers Naomi Tani vvill nevertheless vvarned that Female Convict
101 is one of the fevv films vvhere she is not with strings attached 
The film does give anv rope bondage scene.



Female Convict 101: Sucks