Brennus, Enemy of Rome movie

Year: 1963

Duration: 01:27:22

Directed by: Giacomo Gentilomo

Actors: Gordon Mitchell, Ursula Davis, Massimo Serato

Language: English

Country: Italy

Also known as: Brenno il nemico di Roma, Battle of the Valiant

Description: Brennus (Gordon Mitchell) and his followers make war with the Romans and aim to destroy the city of Rome. Unfortunately the one man who can save the empire, disillusioned Roman hero Camillus (Massimo Serato) has been banished from Rome. It is left to the likes of Fabius (Tony Kendall) and his two brothers to stop the terror of the barbarians and at the same time rescue Nissia (Ursula Davis), who’s being forced into marriage with Brannus.

Director Giacomo Gentilomo’s ace writing team of Arpad DeRiso and Nino Scolaro have cleverly taken various elements from the historical record, and remixed them to fashion this ripping yarn of an adventure movie. The banishment of the Roman general Camillus, the controversy over the spoils of Veii, the involvement of the Fabius brothers, the flight of the Vestal Virgins from Rome, the barbarian who tugs the beard of a Roman elder, the honking of the sacred geese, and even Brennus’s scornful “Woe to the vanquished!” as he heaps his sword onto the scales, are all derived either from Livy’s history of the Gauls’ attack on Rome, or Plutarch’s biography of Camillus. So now ya know.

Review: This film is definatly one of the best sword and sandals you can find. Gordon Mitchell steals the show here, and is just amazingly awsome as Brannus the Gaul. He plays the part with such ferocious stenght and energy that it raises this film a few levels above the usual sword and sandal. I cannot stress enough how awsome Mitchell is in this film. The dude was a legend!! This is must see for all peplum and non-peplum fans alike. Fine acting, good script, engaging plot, well directed, plenty of action, adventure, and a dash of romance. This is one loud and thunderous romp, a very well made film. Strongly recommended!!!



Brennus, Enemy of Rome
