7 Votes

The-White-Gloves-of-the-Devil The White Gloves of the Devil

Year: 1973

Duration: 01:20:27

Directed by: László Szabó

Actors: Bernadette Lafont, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Yves Afons

Language: French (English Subs)

Country: France

Also known as: Les gants blancs du diable

Description: im going with the camp genre here, and not just because of the 3.2/10 IMDB rating (only 7 votes, though) but as i think that this crazy flick was indeed intended as a “bad movie”…and no sub-genre, as i wouldnt really know which one to choose : crime ? cult ? exploitation ? politics ? …or even arthouse – not just because of the very arty cast & crew, but, as you will see below, because Francois Truffaut himself used to talk very highly of this little UFO

the OST for this flick (by Karl Heinz Schaeffer) was gloriously re-issued fairly recently, and it gathered a pretty cultish following, it seems : most of what you will find about “Les Gants Blancs du Diable” on the net is actually about the OST

Review: Truffaut nailed it perfectly. Take out the two horrible and useless scenes with Bernadette Laffont and you have a perfect little thriller, weird and fucked-up as can be.



The White Gloves of the Devil (1973)

The White Gloves of the Devil (English Subs)