Slaughtered_Vomit_Dolls Slaughtered Vomit Dolls

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:10:45

Directed by: Lucifer Valentine

Actors: Ameara Lavey, Pig Lizzy, Maja Lee, Princess Pam

Language: English

Country: Canada | USA

Also known as: 

Description: Prostitution, night clubs, perverts, people vyblevyvayut own flesh and blood – the body of prostitutes are no longer smooth and clean, they are fat and flabby cellulite, malnutrition due to their elegance and drugs, they are covered with bruises, sores, pimples and bruises. The world is dirty and goes to its logical conclusion. Maniacs are hunters. They will torture and kill his victims the most subtle ways. All this will be accompanied by comments 19-year-old prostitute and a little innocent girl.

From director Lucifer Valentine, the maker of Slow Torture Puke Chamber



Slaughtered Vomit Dolls