Occhi senza volto movie

Year: 1994

Duration: 01:23:05

Directed by: Bruno Mattei 

Actors: Monica Seller, Gabriele Gori, Emy Valentino

Language: Italian

Country: ITALY

Also known as: Madness, Eyes Without a Face

Description: Young girls are victims of a serial killer maniac who cuts their eyes after the murders . It soon becomes clear that each new crime suspiciously like those described in the popular comic strip «Doctor Dark» about a university professor who kills women at night . Investigation begins . Soon the suspicions are justified , since the female author of these comics begins each time finding at home carved eyes murdered girls. She realizes that she may be the next victim of ruthless killers in black …

Review: In 1994, long after most people believed the genre to be dead, Mattei made his first giallo. This is not a remake of Georges Franju’s classic 1960 film. It has far more in common with Umberto Lenzi’s film Eyeball.



Occhi senza volto
