Year: 1985
Duration: 01:28:33
Directed by: Michele Massimo Tarantini
Actors: Michael Sopkiw, Suzane Carvalho and Milton Rodríguez
Language: English
Country: Italy | Brazil
Also known as: Nudo e selvaggio, A Baixada dos Dinosauros, Cannibal Ferox 2
Description: Small plane crashes in the wilds of the Amazon. Some passenger were killed, alive decided to get out form here, because it is useless to wait for help.
And soon they will envy those who died at the crash, immediately and without pain. Because, the further into the jungle – the nightmarish death awaited them: snakes, piranhas, crocodiles and horror of horrors – a tribe of cannibals …
The first part of Cannibal Ferox can also be downloaded from my blog.
An enjoyable jungle adventure with plenty of cheap thrills, Massacre in Dinosaur Valley sees a bickering group of people crash land in a part of the Amazon jungle inhabited by cannibals. The group includes Kevin, a poor man’s Indiana Jones, a professor and his beautiful daughter, two sexy models and a Vietnam War vet who calls the indigenous tribes ‘gooks’.
There are no dinosaurs in this film and no real massacre, but Massacre in Dinosaur Valley does deliver on its cover art’s promise of death and mayhem as well as a good serving of damsels in distress, including a topless chase scene as a tribe of cannibals pursue our hero Kevin and his scantily-clad female friends.
The film’s acting and action are sometimes inept as the low budget shows through – with the plane crash in the jungle being an example, although this scene was still fun to watch as the plane plummets and the passengers panic.
While Italian director Michele Massimo Tarantini is no Quinten Tarantino, the film is lively and some of the action set pieces and slap-stick comedy will please B-grade movie fans. Definitely one of the more enjoyable flicks in the genre of Italian cannibal movies.
Depending on your bent, this has probably got something for you. Cannibals, Nekkid “models” (only a couple really), drug/diamond smugglers, the Han Solo-esque rogue who’s also a pilot (and the only one keeping the girls alive, of course).
The fakey gore does show up in places but far less than, say, Cannibal Holocaust or a giallo.
No, no dinosaurs… I think it’s Dino Valley because of the fossils, not that any are to be found there alive.
Without a doubt the primary reason is to see Susanne Carvalho (the brunette in the VERY UNFLATTERING screen cap #4, as well as cap #1, who did two flicks, one, a classic WiP flick (“Femme en Fuego”, aka Women In Fury) where she’s the innocent thrown in jail, and this one. This one is arguably better, as she definitely spends most of the movie either getting out of clothes or staying out of them. Nice natural c-cup tits and an incredibly cute face.
its a horror film, it involves keeping a cannibalistic society secret. 1 which included historical figures like George Washington plus Benjamin franklin. i remember a certain piece of the film which included silverware made from human bones, im striving to discover the title for this film,
there was a scene inside that usual residents gathered inside what looked like a library plus ate a individual, plus i remember it was piece of several collection of films to die for?
the size of this movie is beyond the 1500Mb so is required a premium account to download it.
Is it possible to split the movie?
thanks anyway
please contact with me
Dears, i’m love your website, it’s wonderful, congratulations! A question: i love Nudo e selvaggio, but i can not download it beacause is 1,6 GB. It’s possible to resolve the problem? I research by longtime this movie!
Thank you very much, and sorry for my horrible english…i’m italian! 🙂
Hello! I love your website, and i love this movie, but i can not download it because is 1,6 GB 🙁 It’s possible to resolve this problem? Thank you very much! And congratulations 😉
Dears, i’m love your website, it’s wonderful, congratulations! A question: i love Nudo e selvaggio, but i can not download it beacause is 1,6 GB. It’s possible to resolve the problem? I research by longtime this movie!
Thank you very much, and sorry for my horrible english…i’m italian! 🙂
Thanks For MKV