La-liceale-nella-classe-dei-ripetenti La liceale nella classe dei ripetenti

Year: 1978

Duration: 1:28:28

Directed by: Mariano Laurenti

Actors: Gloria Guida, Alvaro Vitali, Rodolfo Bigotti

Language:  Italian

Country:  Italy | France

Also known as: A Colegial que Levou Pau, La estudiante en la clase de los suspensos, Les lycéennes redoublent, Ena koritsi gia megala kolpa…, I mathitria stin taxi ton metexetasteon, Calcinhas ao Léu, Flotte Teens -jetzt ohne Jeans

Description: Angela — beautiful girl, studying in the same school where her father teaches. She has a fiance Tonino, silly boy, whom she is very faithful. But, she finds out about his infidelity and decides to take revenge on him with his classmate, Carl, over heels in love with her. But in high school, meanwhile, occur in a variety of fun and funny situations. Students having fun on the full.



La liceale nella classe dei ripetenti 1978