Forbidden-Photos-of-a-Lady-Above-Suspicion Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion

Year: 1970

Duration: 01:35:49

Directed by: Luciano Ercoli

Actors: Dagmar Lassander, Pier Paolo Capponi, Simón Andreu

Language: English

Country: Spain | Italy

Also known as: Le foto proibite di una signora per bene,  Días de angustia, Frauen bis zum Wahnsinn gequält

Description: The young wife of a businessman named Mina strolling through the city is attacked by a strange man who says he knows about the murder, which made ​​her husband.

Review: ” Forbidden photos lady beyond suspicion ” – the first of three Jalloh Luchinao Ercoli , which starred his wife Nivz Navarro , better known under the pseudonym of Susan Scott. The film is officially considered to Jalloh genre , but it can be called such a stretch , because there is no traditional gloved killer , but there is a good detective intrigue , atmosphere and terrific cast.
The young wife of a businessman named Mina ( Dagmar Lassander – So young , so sweet , so perverse ) strolling through the city is attacked by a strange man (Simon Andreu ), who says he knows about the murder , which made ​​her husband . Thereafter it disappears . A few days later at night in Mina apartment bell rings , it rings a maniac, which is proof of the guilt of her husband – an audio recording with his voice . In exchange, he wants no money , and sex . After this blackmailer comes to Mina ‘s house and shows pictures, which depicted their meeting . In exchange, he wants sex again . In desperation, Mina turns for help to a friend Dominica ( Susan Scott – Death walks with a cane ), and the maniac meanwhile doing everything possible to surrounding Mina considered crazy because he expects his actions so that everyone will believe that he is only the fruit of her imagination …
Here is such an unusual story in this film. As you can see , the elements Jalloh there are few , but there is a unique atmosphere thrillers \ Jalloh 1970 by which you can accurately determine where and when this film was made . This movie filmed in Italy and only in the 1970s . Atmosphere moderately gloomy music by Ennio Morricone is extremely appropriate to the events happening on the screen , and the amazing voice of Edda Dell’Orso and sad melody soundtrack make this a must listen to all the fans of Italian cinema .
Development of the plot is very slow, the action in the film there is little, while the picture for a minute does not allow the viewer to yawn or distraction. Dialogues and action heroes lined up correctly, and the few action uniformly distributed throughout the film. Directed masterfully shows the different personalities of the characters . Mina – a modest and quiet girl who is happily married and is ready to do anything for her husband. She becomes terribly unpleasant matter that she cheated on him (even internally ) . Her friend Dominica – the complete opposite. She is interested in pornographic photographs and changes men like a glove . But at the same time it is a true friend who is ready to help in difficult times without demanding anything in return. Mina husband , played by famous actor Pier Paolo Capponi (Valeria back and forth ), standard businessman whose business went downhill and that all the time lost at work .
Luciano Ercoli gathered a constellation of great actors . Certainly the stars of the film are two cute actress – Dagmar Lassander and Susan Scott. Directed successfully emphasizes the contrast between their heroines , both in the nature and style of clothing , behavior , etc. In the role of a blackmailer Spaniard made ​​Simon Andreu , the appearance of which is perfectly suited for such roles. Without exception, all the actors did their best.



Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion