5 Votes

Blood-Frenzy Blood Frenzy

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:25:46

Directed by: Hal Freeman

Actors: Wendy MacDonald, Tony montero, Lisa Loring

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Bloody Frenzy, frenesia sanguinaria, Krwawe szalenstwo


A lady psychiatrist takes a group of patients out into the desert for some “confrontational therapy.” This group includes a violent Vietnam vet, an angry abusive lesbian, a pushy macho jerk, a pretty blonde nymphomaniac, a blackout drunk, and a woman that flips her wig anytime somebody touches her. It won’t come as much of a surprise to any of you when I say that it isn’t very long before folks start turning up dead. Somebody’s idea of therapy seems to be a cut throat.

Blood Frenzy is notorious for a few reasons. It features Lisa Loring in a role that was a long way from her days on The Addams Family. It must have been a shock seeing Wednesday Addams in a transparent bra.

It was also directed by Hal Freeman. That name may not instantly ring a bell but Hal was a pretty notorious porn mogul back in the 80’s. He had a hand in bringing anal sex to mainstream porn but more importantly he was this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Freeman . Blood Frenzy was his attempt at more of a mainstream kind of movie.

In recent years Blood Frenzy has become pretty scarce. It is a real shame because it is actually pretty good. It has some pretty funny dialogue and some surprisingly good gore FX. It certainly doesn’t skimp on the squirting blood. If you are a slasher fan at all you will find something to like.



 Blood Frenzy