3 Votes

ABSOLUTIO-Cover-B-sm Absolutio Erloesung im Blut

Year: 2014

Duration: 73 min.

Directed by:  Philip Lilienschwarz

Actors:  Stefan Vancura, Caroline Betz, Najely Chumana

Language: German | NO SUBTITLES

Country: Germany

Also known as: 

Description: Since this movie is in German with no subtitles, I am not sure exactly what its about. I’m guessing its a bio-pic about a young Dick Cheney and how he became CEO of Haliburton and then Vice-President of US.

Or it could be about some self-righteous piece of shit who tortures people in the name of god. Wait a minute, this is a movie about Dick Cheney!



 Absolutio Erloesung im Blut (2013)