Warriors-of-the-Year-20721 Warriors of the Year 2072

Year: 1984

Duration: 01:30:20

Directed by: Lucio Fulci

Actors: Jared Martin, Fred Williamson, Howard Ross

Language: English (Includes Troma Studio Commentary)

Country: Italy

Also known as: New Gladiators, Fighting Centurions, I guerrieri dell’anno 2072, Año 2072: La última batalla, Rome 2033: The Fighter Centurions, Les centurions an 2001, Roma, año 2072 D.C.: los gladiadores, 2072, les mercenaires du futur, El Torneo de la Muerte, Wojownicy roku 2072, Os Gladiadores do Futuro, Uzay silahsörleri, Die Schlacht der Centurions, Rome, 2072 A.D.

Description: Great movie of mister Fulci , no doubt . Fans of his cinematic art accustomed to receiving from him the cruel and bloody masterpieces. They are scared , shocked , and of course delighted . Get ready to learn Lucio Fulci on the other hand , or rather as the creator of anti-Utopical fiction.

Talent Lucio Fulci is not exhausted in 1981, as many believe, after he was allegedly the last great movie – “House on the edge of the cemetery ” and therefore ” Warriors of the Year 2072″ can be safely attributed to his masterpieces . The film was made for pennies in squalid scenery and with little-known actors, but thanks to the talent and diligence invested in film director turned a magnificent spectacle .

The film begins with the battle on motorcycles , restoration of Roman coliseum arena . I want to note , regardless of price setting , great action – scene. The organizers of these gladiatorial combat future offer in exchange for the freedom of a group of criminals , but during the movie vyesnyaetsya this is cheating and will not be freedom .

Of criminals is also a traitor – a cyborg, fixing all their actions on camera in the eyeball . Happy end , but not without loss . Viewer at the end of the movie waiting for a long , visually beautiful bike fight.

In the story “Warriors 2072″ have great similarities with the movie ” The Running Man “, which was filmed three years later . Fans of big-budget computer effects will be disappointed , and not all fans will appreciate this film Fulci . Lovers of trash and old cheap science fiction movie I strongly advise .



Warriors of the Year 2072 1984