Top-of-the-Food-Chain Top of the Food Chain

Year: 1999

Duration: 01:28:25

Directed by:  John Paizs

Actors:  Robert Bockstael, Lorry Ayers, Ron Gabriel

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: Auch Marsmenschen haben Hunger, Mars à table!, Invasion, Invasion!, Welcome to Exceptional Vista

Description:The population located in the wilderness of the canadian town of continuous problem – first closed local factory, then stopped running television, and finally the city’s residents began eated by incomprehensible creatures.

Review of the movie Top of the Food Chain: A friend of mine a long time ago introduced me to this movie, telling me that this movie’s comedy “was all about the uncomfortable silence.” I have never heard a more correct statement. This movie is quite possibly one of the funniest movies out there, both for watching alone, or with a group of your closest friends who share a fondness for campy schtick. The best scene is at the dinner table, when they say grace.



Top of the Food Chain 1999