Sexmission-1984 Sexmission

Year: 1984

Duration: 01:56:20

Directed by: Juliusz Machulski

Actors: Olgierd Lukaszewicz, Jerzy Stuhr, Bozena Stryjkówna

Language: Polish (English Subs)

Country: Poland

Also known as: Seksmisja, Новые Амазонки, Seks-misija, Sulatetut miehet, Szexmisszió, Uppdrag sex

Description: Albert and Maximilian agreed to become “laboratory rats” of professor Kuppelvizer: they are two young men 30 years old, in the interests of science should be frozen for a period of 3 years. However, during time spent in special capsules, much has changed in the world, and that’s why of Max Albert were unfrozed not in three years, but after half a century. In 2044. When the “extinct” all men, and the “other males”, except the couple of thawed, noone else is left.

“Amazons of the 21st century” lived in deep underground, well solve the problem of reproduction without fertilization, and do not require the presence of male species. Risking their own lives, Albert and Max are forced to begin the “Sexmission” …

Review: No film Juliusz Machulski is different, but he is easy to guess at each of them. No exception to this rule and “Seksmissiya.” Movie, which clearly lay in the road comedy, among other things, managed available, without mentoring, to draw attention to a number of problems in human relations, and not only men with women, and in general between people. Even so as once again to throw in a lot of questions about the ideal of administrative and political system is a system which can more adequately serve the people? All of these points are unobtrusive, they do not come to the fore, though not disappear from sight. “Seksmissiya” as it is absolutely nothing to lose as a comedy, considered one of the examples of the genre in the Polish cinema.

The slogan “unite or die” together under his banner of vastly different nature of the characters is not the first and not the last time. In this case, the two main characters played by Jerzy Stuhr well-Maximilian), has created a gallery of images of the great comedy (remember, although the same “Deja Vu”) and Algirdas Lukashevich (Albert). People are different, but their main goal now will be to preserve their own “I,” a stay in every sense of the word, and so the need to unite the people and much more different in nature than Maximilian and Albert.

Hats off to the creators also because the movie, the main focus of which is evident from the name, came out surprisingly chaste, despite the relatively frequent presence in the frame of nudity, and can give a head start in this regard many modern comedies on the same subject, where the name may be, and where decent, but the content and level of humor – alas … The film is Juliusz Machulski spotless and jokes, even though a number of them – again the same “about it.” And the whole thing is that, by and large, the tape is not so much the “I”, “It” is only an aid, and the director wanted to say a few of the other. I think many people understood it perfectly.

Conclusions of every man for himself, of course, will do it in the beauty of the movie in particular and art in general. I share his: we are not without you, our favorite women, do not you, without us!



Sexmission 1984