6 Votes

Deep-Evil-2004 Deep Evil

Year: 2004

Duration: 1:29:29

Directed by: Pat Williams

Actors: Lorenzo Lamas, Ona Grauer, Adam Harrington

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: Experiência Mortal, A fegyver neve: Halál, Agnosti dynami

Description: Elite squad of U.S. Special Forces цуку alerted after a mysterious accident in a top-secret lab in Alaska. Chosen fighters led by biochemists Langdon and Cole will get into a huge underground city, where the best minds in the country are working on a unique extraction of militaries: extracting the virus from a meteorite that fell in Siberia.

They managed to clone it by creating a liquid substance capable to enslave all living organisms. This is an unbeatable doomsday weapon. No one knows what happens in a hermetically sealed complex, but scientists do not want to believe that the worst has happened – the alien mutant found freedom and is now looking for a way into the world, every second becoming more and more more intelligent and cunning …

Starring a famous american actor Lorenzo Lamas, the actor from CIA Code Name: Alexa and CIA II: Target Alexa

Review: Another team of American warriors once again struggling with another zlopakostnoy byakoy, who are positioned in the next super secret lab. Sbrendil another group of scientists trying to stop them. The next career step down for Lorenzo Lamas. Another low-budget b-movie, released directly to video.

Perhaps, in the case of “Deep Evil” word “another” is becoming a household name – the film is a kind of collection of stamps, multiplied on the budget productions.
Directing is very sluggish and monotonous, acting – is weak, and the scenery seems to have collected almost out of cardboard.

The film Deep Evil, however, is not so bad – once you can see, although for review is clearly not good.

Review #2: Again, laboratory, viruses again, again aliens. Come on, if that’s all right did, however, low-budget tupizna all that is happening is evident from the first minute. I still can not understand what this film does Lorenzo Lamas? Hmm, I personally remember him as a normal actor … In short: the explosion of Chernobyl is needed to destroy a very dangerous microbe that Russian found in a drop of water on one of the meteorites that fell to Earth. Quite interesting, is not it? In a couple of writer with director apparently went to the roof. But then, as usual, the microbe somehow got to the ubiquitous Americans and they began to conduct secret-presekretnye experiments. A microbe, it is not normal, and he can learn, and turns people into mutants, and generally in a liquid state especially dangerous. Really funny looks when the Yankees fired on the water but throw grenades. Well, in order to give a little bit of realism everything going on, at the end added a monster (clearly visible that some guy pulled on suit). Dialogues delirium delirium. When you look at how it pronounces the main character, and in combination “very smart scientist,” tears in his eyes welling. Simple – sucks.



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