14 Votes

Dont-Travel-On-One-Way-Ticket Don't Travel On One Way Ticket

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:26:47

Directed by:  Håkan Alexandersson

Actors:  Nina Antskog, Krister Broberg, Mats Flink

Language: Swedish | English Subtitles

Country: Sweden

Also known as:  Res aldrig på enkel biljett

Description: Exhausted, he awoke from the dream man raises his eyes to the unfortunate audience and said that in the dream he was bitten by a python. This is the main protagonist of the film, and can be, in fact, he did not wake up, because all his further misadventures of developing the logic of dreams dark and stringy. The main character appears as a sort of private detective in a terrible postapokaliptichskoy hole goes dressed in rags, the abandoned underground system of tunnels and, eventually, becomes involved in the sinister intrigue.

Review: Never travel with a one-way ticket – a dark, anti-utopian detective, consisting of philosophy, filthy slums, frank eroticism, landfills, intrigue with questionable teleportation, film defects and Swedish language as if deliberately written and filmed to be seen by few. Simple seems to be a story about how someone Investigattor (pronounced with a distinctive Scandinavian accent), it bomzhevatogo looking man, hitting, under the spell of the femme fatale, she is taken to help in the investigation of the missing people after allegedly teleporting into a paradise, carried by her uncle -illusionist …

But hark! All of what has been called above reasons unknown this movie is not important. The main thing is that begins with the meeting of the two above-mentioned people. All of the major events of this film seem as if standing in their places, and if you try to put them, still in place, it would appear that something else is not enough, perhaps the most important … and they are drawn like a strange dream, even stranger than one in which the main character has bitten the python that does not bite, “and before his death clenches his victims …” The dream almost real as the one that is actually artificial paradise that attracts people, and this dream is clearly seen sense and like everything falls into place did exactly as it should, but again something is missing.

Good, memorable film, maybe it will haunt you day or two after the show, it’s hard to just dismiss his innuendo (or your nedodumannost it).

And only seven for the fact that it is quite minimalistic, but it’s subjective. Images of the O-bi, o-ba and Lopushansky still strong in my sick mind …



Don’t Travel On One Way Ticket 1987