Las-inocentes Las inocentes

Year: 1986

Duration: 01:27:31

Directed by:  Felipe Cazals

Actors:  Marta Aura, Marcela Camacho, Juan de la Loza

Language: Spanish

Country: Mexico

Also known as: Las Humilladas

Description: Based on a novella by Luigi Pirandello and originally released as Las inocentes, here is a dramatic mothball of tight wigs, boggly eyes, dribbly lips, early earning scorn and hideous gang rape involving a cluster of nuns at a remote cloister.  The nuns are assaulted and made pregnant by a quad of scruffy beggar boys who attack them on the way home from mass.  With little time to get over the horrific trauma, and with some unwanted bastards on the way, the head nun tells the other nuns to sort it all out quietly while she distracts a visiting bishop with tea and cake. Eventually, the poor sisters are locked up in jail to ponder their collective fate.  Keep the children? Abort them? Kill themselves, turn to God? or hop the wall and run away. Most notable for its prolonged and very effective ‘sheep bell‘ assault/opening sequence (where the nuns are silently ‘herded’ and attacked one by one in long golden grass), the rip comes from a sweet looking virgin NTSC VHS.  Press play to see who is crying, lots of tension, lots of regret, musings and mucho, mucho dialogue about the church, faith, Jesus and the price of nappies.  Enjoy! Filmed by Felipe Cazals, the maker of the film Las poquianchis.



Las inocentes 1986