37 Votes

Lenfer L'enfer

Year: 1994

Duration: 01:38:00

Directed by: Claude Chabrol

Actors: Emmanuelle Béart, François Cluzet, Nathalie Cardone and André Wilms

Language: French (English subs)

Country: France

Also known as: L’enfer, El infierno, Die Hölle, L’inferno

Description: Paul, irritable and prone to hysterics the hotel owner is a real paranoid, suspecting infidelity of his beloved wife. Devil’s jealousy makes life a Field in hell. Life jealous person starts to fall apart, his madness deepens every day, erasing all the features of previous personality…

 Review: In the era of universal remakes can count logical appeal, Claude Chabrol (Dirty Hands and Quiet Days in Clichy), a recognized master of criminal dramas and modern «morality», to the unfinished work of the classics of French cinema «Hell» by Henri-Georges Clouzot. In 1964 Clouzot put on his own script of a film about such painful and destructive feeling as a married jealousy. But due to financial problems, but also because of the aggravation of the illness, Director, this project remained unfinished, and survived only a few captured scenes with the participation of Romy Schneider, who played the woman suspected doubtful husband in constant infidelities. Almost exactly 30 years (and, incidentally, about the same age as Henri-Georges Clouzot) Chabrol, converting the script, removed the tape with the French star 90s – pretty Emmanuelle Beart, which can be different: and touchingly innocent, and grossly flawed.

Here and in «L’enfer» she appears as a natural in their actions and even carefree young wife, and in the frames almost crazy visions of a jealous husband looks not only stupid nimphomaniac, but a cheap prostitute. However tape Claude Chabrol inevitably transformed – from the everyday family drama to the clinical history of the madness of one of the spouses. But even spectacular final title «Without end» is unlikely to allow better attention to the work of a French Director who continues to take picture after picture, without apparent fatigue, although often without prior charge of energy and ironically-a critical view of the hidden behind the magnificent facade of the bourgeois family well-being, truly hideous hell.



Hell 1994

Hell (English subs)