18 Votes

The_Revenge_of_the_Living_Dead_Girls The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:13:00

Directed by: Pierre B. Reinhard

Actors: Véronique Catanzaro, Kathryn Charly and Sylvie Novak

Language: Dubbed English

Country: France

Also known as: Die Rückkehr der lebenden Toten | La revanche des mortes vivantes

Description:  At the very beginning of the story die three girls from the milk in which has been added to a toxic waste. Yet we see unintelligible intrigue of secretary of the boss of a city-forming chemical plant. But is not the point, because in the night crawl from their graves three , girls virgins, and in turn devour people … clearly than that associated with each other … and obviously on someone’s tip-off. In this case, the deads are smart … if not too smart for living deads ……

A gruesome gift to both splatter fans and those who appreciate the morose atmosphere of the older European Gothics, Revenge of the Living Dead Girls surrounds a primal, simplistic tale of crime, punishment, and zombies with fatalistic elegance. Telling a structurally uneven if enthusiastic story of sex and sadism with gusto, this movie is an oft-neglected piece of gut-gobbling whose wormy whores are undeniably offensive. Wallowing in viscera even while treating more significant themes of political corruption, bribery, and toxicity, this movie succeeds as powerhouse exploitation feature if not in tact. Subtlety has no place in this movie, which admits within its brash, broad approach and lingering attention to violence that its goal is to entertain, not moralize. It achieves this by being honest, content to weave its dream of terror with ferocious energy and a penchant for the gross-out. If you want to watch something similar then you can download this movie which was shot by two famous directors Jesus Franco and Jean Rollin

The picture revels in such questionable delights as high-heel eye gouging, attacks on male genitalia, and swords thrust up vaginas (ouch!). Not for the squeamish or advocates of suggestive horror, this exploitative flesh-fest is feisty… and damn proud of it.

Review: Another trash about the walking deads who want their revenge. French is somewhat unusual given us the living dead – we are not stupid zombies, and thinking and insidious killer.

In the film there is a certain atmosphere inherent in the classic films about zombies, as well filmed scenes in the cemetery, there’s something … But overall the film is bad. Grim is useless – cheap mask. The very appearance of zombies in the frame at times even laughable.

The film The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls will please fans of “nudity” and eroticism, this is enough.

Murder is quite bloody and violent, but it does not save the movie from a dull script, which is built mainly on uninteresting conversations, the desire to continue watching disappears. The hard finish.



The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls