Flight_of_the_Living_Dead Flight of the Living Dead

Year: 2007

Duration: 01:30:00

Directed by: Scott Thomas

Actors: David Chisum, Kristen Kerr and Kevin J. O’Connor

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Outbreak on a Plane | Les zombies dans l’avion

Description: Passenger airliner Concorde Air. Flight Los Angeles – Paris. The cargo compartment of Airbus in secret, heavily guarded armored container transported from genetically modified virus that represents a mortal danger to humanity. The container is accompanied by a group of scientists who have created a virus and hiding from the CIA.

No passengers or crew are unaware of the dangerous proximity until the plane gets into a zone of turbulence and is not in the center of the storm storm. After another air pocket container locks are opened and the virus broke out, quickly spread through bites.

Brutal living dead begin to hunt for passengers who are forced to fight for his life. And at this time on earth is taking all measures to affected aircraft never landed.

Review: From the beginning, I did not see the feeling of deja vu. As if this film is based on the same scenario as that … “there is something of living dead». The viewer is presented with an arrangement of decorum actors pictures: anxious girly, part-time flight attendants (chu, somewhere saw) is not something scientists have divided the (oh yes, I remember), reckless teenagers (as well as the same, remember), the star sport (and it there), the pilot who leads his last flight before retirement (great buddy), chatty offender (how original) and other very unique and not found anywhere else types. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, trembling like a leaf container … yes, yes, yes, you’ll never guess what the government has decided to carry on a normal airliner.

How do I proceed on the thumb. Turbulence, an accident with a security guard, depressurization of the container, in general, you understand.

Debility annoying dialogs. A feeling that wrote them a man who never anybody really did not. Dialogues themselves are a means for stretching the film, since no semantic load they carry. “Megan rhymes with vegan, vegan is vegetarianits, Miss beware everything is so strange, they all go” (dialogue from the film) … Uh-uh, what is it?

But then begins the meat, and the failure of the writers, the director and other recedes into the background. In the end, we love movies about zombies because of the meat. And here it abound. Moreover, in all possible forms. Ridge of the film is the climber with all the cracks, and it is not belittling, zombies. They are bursting through the floor and ceiling, a mirror in the toilet and through ventilation. When at some point starts to shake like a toilet laugh, but to the toilet zombie director did not make it. A small smile never left my lips the whole period of struggle against the undead really hurt all that happens krovavozabavno.

Action of the film made it’s not like diverse, yet tasteful. Zombie fly away from the firing of the gun as if they’re being shot at least anti-aircraft guns. Golfer with ottyazhechkoy smashes head zombie stick, and the whole farce played out on the screen, looking happy and smiling. I even stopped paying attention to the absurdity of the whole story, which by the way is still there.

Ends is all this comedy as and should end any full movie about zombies, that is a bunch of corpses wandering uniformly to some town nearby.

In general, to relax the brain can see this trash. Familiarity with the characters recommend safely skip and rewind somewhere for 15-20 minutes. You have nothing to lose by this, especially since almost all the characters represented still gobble up pretty quickly.

I do not recommend watching the movie Flight of the Living Dead to impressionable people and those who need a sense of it you will not find here. Fans of the movie is about zombies and other chelovekopozhirateley recommend. The film is full of cliches and borrowing, which made viewing the impression of a good old, he had seen a thousand times, but from no less meat … mmm … meat 😎

The value of 0 for the genre, as well as the script, special effects somewhere in the C grade, and the rest, but actually more than that and there is nothing. The only thing that I can say.

Review: So, a film Flight of the Living Dead about the plane that carries biologically hazardous material, and all who were on board the plane were just random victims. There is a big difference from other American movies where everything happens according to the same plan, that is, either because of mutirovavschih animals or any research with broken tubes. The movie is a horror movie, but it has a couple of funny scenes.

Very smartly filmed flight of the Airbus, though it is computer graphics, but if you see, all the components of the aircraft are very well drawn. Well, in this case, were not accurate in some details, ie, a plane flight in the center of a thunderstorm, thin floor in the cockpit, etc. But that does not distract from the movie!

Generally speaking, the experience of watching a movie Flight of the Living Dead nothing but positive.



Flight of the Living Dead
