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Nun_at_the_Crossroads_(Encrucijada_para_una_monja) Nun at the Crossroads

Year: 1967

Duration: 01:33:01

Directed by: Julio Buchs

Actors: Rosanna Schiaffino, John Richardson and Mara Cruz

Language: Spanish

Country: Spain | Italy

Also known as: Le journal intime d’une nonne, Scheideweg einer Nonne, Violenza per una monaca

Description of … Crossroads movie: Back in Belgium, Sister Maria (very unusual role for emotional and vivid Rosanna Schiaffino who played in Check to the Queen) initially surrounded with attention and care as family and church leadership . Sincere (even devoutly ) faith girl from a wealthy family , consciously devoted her life to serving God and others , helped her outride all the misfortunes , and she is preparing for a new mission in the war-torn Africa and suffering , but suddenly discovers that she is pregnant . And instantly changes everything. Mary turned away from the parents and sister of needing an abortion. Own confessor and guide the order, behind the scenes is hoped that the nun secretly get rid of an unwanted fetus, trying to persuade her to give up the child in advance , threatening to drive out of the monastery, which the girl is not imagine life. ” Black Monkey “, as in the eyes and the eyes , called the future of a child of Mary and of unknown Simba , do not need anyone . As no one wants , and Mary herself , who , it appears, was just very convenient to all. Family – because it did not apply to inheritance and did not interfere in the affairs of business , church superiors – because it was trouble-free and served as a symbol of Christian humility . Now, finding themselves at a crossroads, where each of the thorny roads and promises only suffering , Mary rebelled . Because any choice – even the one where she has to rely on his shoulder for a long time and hopelessly loving girl Dr. Lemmon , ready to take it when and how you want – is contrary to its outlook.

Review: Belgian Congo, mid-60’s. In the jungle, a raging civil war, rebel forces led by Simba Cuban instructors attacked government offices in a few civilized towns, goes and Christian missions. A victim of one of the attacks is a school, the nuns open to local children. However, for the majority of sisters are ends only slight shock. Government troops came to the rescue in time free women, but the Mother Superior was killed by a bullet too nervous Simba, but was leaving the mission sister Mary was raped, in the hands of the patrol scouts …

At first it seems that the film of Spanish director Julio Buchs (Mestizo) be characteristic for the “cold war” political thriller, painting the horrors of civil war and crimes on both sides. Moreover, that the filmmakers originally painted the same Simba different colors: with frank bandits seized the mission, first take the fight real fighters for independence, but die without expecting betrayal. But the first third of the picture is only ties for further unfolding drama. True, the term “only” in this case is appropriate. Where other authors would limit placed the pieces on the chess board, Senor Buchs and had their civil position mark, and the most reliable means at its disposal to describe the historical situation – in-general, did all that subsequent events were perceived as serious. So, as they deserve “modest charm of the bourgeoisie”, charges that “Nun at the Crossroads” makes a good lawyer with thoroughness.



A Nun at the Crossroads (Encrucijada para una monja)