La_religieuse_1966 La religieuse

Year: 1966

Duration: 02:14:19

Directed by: Jacques Rivette

Actors: Anna Karina, Liselotte Pulver, Micheline Presle, Francine Bergé

Language: French (English subs)

Country: France

Also known as: The Nun, Az apáca, Nunna, Die Nonne, Suzanne simonin la religiosa

Description of La religieuse movie: Suzanne is not just an unhappy girl who’s parents sent her to the close monastery, because of financial difficulties. Where she goes through deprivation and humiliation of the church council, as she continues to struggle to “live her own life”. She is a true Christian, refuses to blindly serve the religious laws and especially to serve individual members of the church hierarchy. The director of La religieuse has also directed Joan the Maid 2 which you may find on this blog

Review of La religieuse film: The main character – a young girl Suzanne, which forcibly trying to make a nun and imprison forever in the monastery.

Suzanne was born in a rather wealthy family, but bad marriages of her two older sisters devastated parents, and they have to make a decision to give the younger daughter in a monastery. However, this solution does not seem to be much for them so hard. Initially, the film Suzanne learns that her father actually was her stepfather, and her mother is so cold to her, because the real father of Suzanne left her, causing her pain and did not leave behind.

Suzanne – a girl with an irresistible will to freedom, it is abhorrent to live by strict rules and bone monastery, where parents send her. At first she behaves humbly, like other nuns, but gradually bleak monotony and dullness of the existence of literally begins to take her mind, she tries to get out of these walls, to breathe free, to feel independent person.

The main role in the film performs Anna Karina. And it appears we have here is not in the manner in which we used to see it from Godard. Movie has a lot of close-ups, and every time Suzanne appears in front of their audience as a troubled, deeply felt, suffering young woman who, despite her desire to learn the joys of life, not a drop of youthful immaturity, carelessness. Her gestures, her shrill, reflecting the mental anguish, eyes, her tears talking about her character and spirit more than all the words spoken by it. In this – the beauty of the role played by Anna Suzanne Karina. At no time during the entire tape has not lowered the bar, did not ease the tension – and the audience too, remains in suspense until the end of the film, there are no easy scenes in each there is a shadow of tragedy, human drama. Anna Karina has carried this drama throughout the movie, she was the drama, her every gesture – a gesture of faith and despair at the same time.



La religieuse 1966

La religieuse (Diffrent subs)