22 Votes

Living-Doll Living Doll

Year: 1990

Duration: 01:35:15

Directed by: George Dugdale, Peter Mackenzie Litten

Actors: Mark Jax, Katie Orgill, Gary Martin

Language: English

Country: UK

Also known as: n/a

Description: Howard, the city morgue worker, falls in love with the beauty of Christine. However, he was too shy to try to strike up a relationship with her, and only when Christine dies tragically, Howard finally decided to tell her his feelings. First, he goes to the cemetery, digs up her corpse and carries it to his home …

Review: To me, this film seemed more melodrama than horror . From the outset, we show experiences Howard ( the protagonist ) , hopelessly in love with the girl Christine . Then, as we already know from the synopsis , Christine dies. And Howard, who did not want to part with his beloved begins to cohabit with her corpse , that is in fact becoming a necrophile .

But unlike other films on the subject, such as ” Nekromantik “, ” Autopsy : A Love Story ” or ” Kiss with death “, where the main characters from the beginning or have necrophilia nekrofilskie inclinations , Howard becomes so because of the death sweetheart . He lives with her corpse , not because she’s dead , but because he loved her when she was alive. Besides , he believes it is not quite the corpse , he sees her true form ( appearance decomposed corpse that show viewers ), it seems to him the same as it was during his lifetime.

By the way, this movie a lot of similarities with the movie ” Autopsy : A Love Story ” ( removed later) that I once praised for the originality of the plot ( it turns out that for good reason) . And maybe because I looked like a movie before the film “Living Doll” I was not too impressed.

As I said , these are virtually no horror . Yes, and that can cause disgust, also very small . The only thing that slightly spoiled my appetite , this episode , which showed worms. So I can please you ( or, conversely, to disappoint ) that there is no explicit scenes , such as in ” Nekromantike ” here showed intimate details of life from the dead Christine Howard . And the atmosphere here is not like that , what happens in horror movies , sometimes it even a little comedy , and it seems that the British black comedy look .

Almost throughout the film I wished Howard , it makes me just sympathy. There was only a single moment when the protagonist act made ​​me angry at him. And Howard appears as star-crossed lovers , and the film – as a melodrama.

I do not advise watching this movie for those who have even the synopsis already disgusted . And for those who quietly or with interest reacted to the description , we can recommend to see this sad story of unrequited love . If you also watched ” Nekromantik“, the “Living Doll” will seem easy tale .



Living Doll