9 Votes

Awakening_2006 Awakening

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:23:08

Directed by: David J. Francis

Actors:  Steve Curtis, Sharon DeWitt and Dan Rooney

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: Zombie Night 2, Zombie Night II

Description: A new modern movie about zombies. People are becoming living deads by insect bites. no one can stop the sinister epidemic, but our movie heroes. It’s a nice trash movie about zombies, with a small number of nudity  and sex scenes. The acting game is quite average, but if you are a fan of diffrent zombie flicks, then maybe you will like it.

The “Awakening” movie was directed by David J. Francis, and it’s the sequal to Zombie Night which was published in 2003.


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Awakening 2006