Year: 1988
Duration: 01:32:34
Directed by: Tun Fei Mou
Actors: Hsu Gou, Tie Long Jin, Zhaohua Mei, Zhe Quan, Gang Wang, Runsheng Wang, Dai Yao Wu
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Also known as: Hei tai yang 731, Black Sun 731, Camp 731, Men Behind The Sun : Camp 731
Description: In the 40s the Japanese command in occupied Manchuria created concentration “Camp 731”. The prisoners, mostly Chinese, were material to test tolerance of extreme conditions, such as cold, altitude, as well as for testing biological weapons. Among the Japanese who once, and who gradually get used to the idea that the prisoners are not people, but the source material. This is most clearly is the team of mobilized teenagers.
Review: “The Man Behind the Sun.” By some measures, Tun Fei Mou’s film can be attributed to the fact that the advice of friends who love the hard jokes or who impressed “Hostel,” and they will gladly tell you a few details of the relatively old “Unit 731”, urging them to stock up before watching the paper bags . I would classify this film to those who advise in case of emergency, despite the fact that he seemed extremely talented, important and skillful.
Tun Fei Mou (the director of Lost Souls and Trilogy of Lust), creating a relatively stable career in manufacturing trash melodramas and militants fired in 1988 only, more or less well-known film in his work dedicated to the genocide of the Chinese population by Japanese troops during World War II in Manchuria. “Unit 731” – the infamous concentration camp, to develop biological weapons, was thus a political float, strengthened the ‘Man of the Sun “in the status of a cult film and quoted. Of course, this is not the Auschwitz-Birkenau, but the material for filming in Hong Kong director was enough. In addition, most of the artists hitherto limited black and white photographs of victims, or shots shy tormented people in the gas chamber. Tun Fei Mou, in turn, took the provocative decision to shoot the most realistic, and thus attracted his film even more attention than just kicking Japan for old shit.
Still, if “The Men Behind the Sun” was a trivial horror with puddles of blood and gnawed cats around him would have been the grim aura that accompanies it. One would rid slight nausea. When we talk about this movie, the first thing to talk about strong military drama that raises such a complex and vital topic as inhumanity. And after watching the film Moe is not just a heavy sediment, and feel as if you just got back from an exciting trip to the ninth circle of hell.
Manchuria, which was occupied by Japanese troops. Of the group of fifteen boys, a youth corps unit 731, engaged by some secret development. Drill and the regime in times of war, however, are for the boys to test more easily than when they finally learn what their superiors, and the methods by which the Japanese government is developing biological weapons. The people behind the Sun – a “Maruta” (“logs”), local residents, captured, of which shall contain in good health. Young heroes along with the audience, witnessing horrific experiments on human beings, and which of Unit 731 pupils after school camp will man a big question.
“The men behind the sun” devastating. Many viewers have accused the director in the absence of ethics, animal abuse and political editorializing. It’s really too much. Not so terrible footage of violence, as the realization of what happened just over sixty years ago in the world, what happens to the people, and where we could go if, for example, a bag of fleas infected with bubonic plague, fell on some capital, such as Moscow or Beijing. Tun Fei Mou grabs its audience from the cozy chair and placed directly in the center of the life of the wrong that has been on the earth’s history, so that the audience watched and made conclusions that war and concentration camps, and genocide, and experiments on people is inhumane and dangerous.
Dangerous it is for the viewer’s psyche. Framework between cinema and reality blurred, and I find myself, where does not want to be. I thought it was a movie, but it is too frighteningly close to me. And after the credits is only estimate, not a genocide is brewing somewhere near by, and how easy it is to nurture violence in the human heart, if these things show him daily with displays and posters. And worst of all, no meaning. “The man behind the Sun” is a rather neubivaemy pacifism. Only here the means to bring it to me to be too direct.
PS: It’s not exactly the WIP genre, but tell me in the comments if you want to see the other three parts
we need part 3
I don’t see anything wrong with these, they suit the picture just fine bein here! Not real WIP films in the true sense of the definition but they for sure are related! Women in camps undergoing vicious torture, experiments, … So yeaa in my humble opinion the 4 installments would be a very nice add to this site! So i would say that”s an “of course”. Don’t see any problem at all why they actually should be left out. Well it is your call… and in the same note, Tx for your time takin and all the effort you put in, on running one of the coolest sites on the whole wide freakin Internet! Cheers.
This movie (plus the other installments) should be
included in this incredible web site.The Story of
Unit 731 and the Ping Fan Human Research Facility
is unknown in America and has been intentionaly
forgotten in Japan. Yes,it is horrible viewing
Besides,WIPfilms already has such glorious
selection of movies for people to be offended by
~who is going to notice?
plz download Man Behind the Sun 2: Laboratory of the Devil
I can’t find it here??
I see plenty of real life violence and killing every day on internet–why I need more?
this flick was requested by someone
If you want to check with IMDB here is the link