17 Votes

Imagining_Argentina_2003 Imagining Argentina

Year: 2003

Duration: 01:44:06

Directed by: Christopher Hampton

Actors:  Antonio Banderas, Emma Thompson and Rubén Blades

Language: English | Spanish (Plus subtitles)

Country: Spain | UK | USA

Also known as: Álmaimban Argentína, Verschleppt, Disparitions, Imaginando Argentina

Description: Story of courage and bravery of the director of children’s theater. The story of on what a man can go, who lost his woman. 1976, Buenos Aires. Cecilia, a loving wife and mother, falls into a secret prison for her thankless job: she is devoted to her work and as journalist tries to investigate the case of national importance. Now Carlos (Antonio Banderas who also played in Contra el viento and The Skin I Live In) should by all means save her before it’s too late …

Review: The film “Imagining Argentina” K. Hampton long stood on my shelf before I finally pulled himself together and looked it. I think that before he was even more lain somewhere in the warehouse, and then – in a video store, because when I bought it, the appearance of the box clearly testified about her plight. Well, this copy of the film has found its audience in my face, and I can say with confidence that I’m glad I waited for this movie.

The events referred to in this film, hardly familiar to the domestic audience, with the exception, perhaps, of those who are fond of world history. But whether because the subject is so close to Russian people, for several decades in the twentieth century, our country suffered from the same disease, or because of the pain and suffering – are universal and independent of language, culture and level of understanding people equally – every frame of the film resonated in my heart. “Imagining Argentina” – a symbiosis of historical drama mystical thriller. The film tells the story of a sad period in Argentina’s history, when the country ran the military junta. 30 000 people during the time of this board are missing.



Imagining Argentina

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